Hope Fellowship Blog

Post Category: Quotes

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Life Together

Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes in Life Together about fellowship and how we must speak God's Word to one another. ...

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Hallelujah, What a Savior

The quote from James Edwards about Jesus functionally trading places with the leper by cleansing him. What a great quote!...

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The Kingdom of God

This Sunday we will be focusing on parables about the Kingdom of God from Mark 4:21-34. Here is a great quote about the kingdom of God from John Frame....

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Why we should pray for our children to know Christ at a young age

I picked up Thomas Watson's "The Godly Man's Picture" off my shelf today and began reading the section, "the godly man strives to be an instrument for making others godly."Watson writes, "The godly man is not content to go to heaven alone but wants to take others there. Spiders work only for themselves, but bees work for others."He then applies it to how we might encourage...

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Quotes from the cutting room floor

So often each week as I prepare for the sermon I have a number of quotes that I have read that were personally encouraging but didn't fit into the sermon. It is my goal each week to post some of these quotes on Friday for your encouragement....

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Definition of the fear of the Lord

Doug O'Donnell defines the fear of the Lord in his new book, "The Beginning and End of Wisdom." ...

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The Gospel Undermines Swaggering and Sniveling

A great quote by Tim Keller about how the gospel undermines both swaggering and sniveling. ...

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