Competing Glory

The world tells us that our best life is “now.” Therefore, we are told, we must seize the day. Tick off those items from our bucket list. Stand out. Promote yourself. Fulfill your destiny. Every day we are bombarded with a form of the message that says, “Today is all you’ve got, so love life and make the most of it.”
Enter Jesus. His way is different, and His message is opposite to the world’s. In His Kingdom, you get to the top by diving to the bottom. In His Kingdom, the cross comes before the crown, and humility comes before glory. In His Kingdom, self-sacrifice is honored and self-exaltation is condemned. His message is, “Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life” (John 12:25).
Jesus does not bow to the wishes of this world. Instead, He calls us to bow to Him.
Come on Sunday as we get a clear call from Jesus in John 12:12-26 about how to live in this world. He will make us uncomfortable, yes, but in the process He will show us why He alone has the keys to eternal life.
Pastor Eric
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