Hope Fellowship Blog

Prayer Meeting


As we begin the New Year, the elders have called a prayer meeting for this Sunday evening (1/8) at 7pm at the church offices. As you contemplate whether to attend, you might be asking yourself, “Why should we pray together?” It’s a valid question. Here are 10 reasons, in no particular order:

  1. We pray together because we are completely dependent on God for everything.
  2. We pray together to praise, honor, and glorify our Savior.
  3. We pray together to encourage one another and to bear each other’s burdens.
  4. We pray together to grow in our faith.
  5. We pray together so that our vision of God will expand.
  6. We pray together to ask God to work powerfully at Hope Fellowship this year.
  7. We pray together because God alone can change the human heart.
  8. We pray together because Jesus commands it.
  9. We pray together to cast our cares upon Him.
  10. We pray together to increase our joy.

I’m sure you could add some reasons to my list. What a privilege we have this Sunday to come before the King of Kings, to praise, petition, confess, and give thanks to Him. We’ll be using the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) as our template for the meeting, and you can participate as little or as much as you’d like. I hope to see you there.


In Christ,

Pastor Eric


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