
On Sunday we have the privilege of celebrating Pastor Jared’s ordination to gospel ministry. You may be wondering, “What is ordination and why is it important?” Let me briefly explain.
Ordination is the church’s way of testing and approving those who are called by God to serve in pastoral ministry (2 Tim. 2:15). Essentially, through ordination the church is saying, “We wholeheartedly affirm that God has called this man to serve as a pastor, to shepherd the flock of God” (1 Pet. 5:2-4). Ordination is important because it helps to preserve the purity of the church, ensuring that a pastor is a man whose life is an example to the flock, and one who believes sound doctrine that aligns with God’s Word.
Each denomination has their own ordination process, but since Hope Fellowship is not affiliated with a denomination, the elders have adapted (with permission) the ordination process from College Church in Wheaton (our planting church) for our own candidates.
Therefore, over the past 6 months, Pastor Jared diligently prepared a paper detailing his beliefs in the major areas of theology. Furthermore, on February 17th Jared completed an oral examination which covered specific areas of his life and doctrine. This 2-hour oral examination was conducted by the ordination council, which consisted of the following men: Jeff Brewer, Chris Castaldo, Aaron Camp, Kent Hughes, Jeremy Lundgren, Matt Tully, Mike Urton, and myself.
Following the oral examination, the ordination council unanimously recommended Jared for ordination, and this Sunday (3/17) marks our celebration of this occasion. We have the special privilege to hear a message from Jeff Brewer, who will be preaching on Hebrews 4:11-13.
Please join me in thanking God for bringing Pastor Jared to Hope Fellowship those many years ago, for His faithful and obvious work in Jared’s life, and for how He has blessed us through Jared’s ministry. Finally, please make plans to join us for a church-wide celebratory lunch following Sunday’s service.
In Gratitude,
Pastor Eric
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