Hope Fellowship Blog

Archives for June 2023

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'Who's on Trial?'


The claims of Jesus have been debated ever since he walked this earth. Today is no different. People are generally fine with the "acceptable" parts of Jesus' message, such as his commands to: Love one another. Do unto others what you would want done to you. Turn the other cheek. Go the extra mile. You get the point. However, Jesus calls us to much more. He is not ...

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Honoring Jesus


As we continue through John's gospel this Sunday, we will be confronted about the danger of adopting a "weak" view of Jesus in John 5. Jesus has authority to give life to whom He will (v. 21), while also having the authority to execute judgment (v.22, 27). Therefore, honoring Jesus is a big deal to God the Father (v.23-24). Fellow believer, ponder today how you might honor...

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Summer Location 2023


This Sunday marks a significant moment in the life of our church. It will be the first time in Hope's 12-year history that our Sunday morning worship service will happen in an actual church building. We are thankful for God's abundant provision, and we hope to see you at our new summer location, which is at the Christian Assembly of Suburban Chicago (23W420 St. Charles Rd....

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