Hope Fellowship Blog



When we typically talk about adoring someone (or something), it means we hold whatever it is in high esteem. We adore newborn babies. We adore our favorite pets. We adore our special friends and loved ones. However, the word “adore” means much more. According to Webster’s Dictionary, to “adore” primarily means, “to worship or honor as a deity or as divine.” That means that only God deserves our adoration. 

Last week we learned how we are commanded to pray, “Hallowed be your name.”  If we’re honest, knowing what this looks like can be abstract at times. That’s where we benefit from the adoration prayers found in God’s Word.

One such prayer is Hannah’s from 1 Samuel 2:1-10. It is one of the most beautiful prayers in all of scripture. Join us on Sunday, and come let us adore Him as we explore this wonderful prayer. 

Pastor Eric 


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