Finding Lost Sheep

Have you ever wondered why some people hate Jesus? Why they are so offended by Him? Jesus offers insight in Sunday’s preaching passage. In John 10:26, he says to the hostile religious leaders, “You do not believe because you are not among my sheep.”
Unbelievers are described in scripture as those whose minds have been blinded by the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:11). Elsewhere their way is described as deep darkness (Prov. 4:19). Even worse, they are described as dead in their trespasses and sins (Col. 2:13).
But there’s good news. Everyone’s story is not yet finished. The beauty of the gospel is that Jesus died for his enemies. (By the way, we were all once his enemies). Amazingly, Jesus pursues and finds his lost sheep and he brings them into his fold. Through him, the spiritually blind receive sight. Those who once walked in deep darkness become light in the Lord. And the dead are raised to life in Christ. We must never forget the hope of the gospel.
There is unparalleled security when you follow Jesus. On Sunday, in John 10:22-42, Jesus will give characteristics of His sheep, and he will go into detail about the unshakeable assurance we can have when we trust in Him. All while defeating the arguments of those who oppose him.
See you on Sunday,
Pastor Eric
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