New Year

Somehow January 1st feels different than other days. It feels like change is more possible. It feels like there is a bit of a reset, a blank slate ahead. Now if we’re honest, we know that we won’t change just because the calendar does. However, in a very real way, the beginning of a new year can provide the motivation to do things we’ve been meaning to do. Like exercise. Or eat better. Or read our Bibles more.
This Sunday many of us at Hope are planning to begin reading the Bible in one year. Though most of us will read each day individually, together as a church we will be following the same plan. It may seem like a daunting task, but a little reading each day will get you there. The plan we’ve chosen even has catch-up days at the end of the month. If you’re still intimidated, consider asking someone from your mission group or men’s/women’s Bible study to do it with you.
Sunday also marks the beginning of a six-week sermon series that we’re calling “This is The Church.” This will be an expository series based on some key areas of church, such as:
- The importance of gathering
- The church’s mission
- How to select leaders
- The priorities of the church
- Being members of one body
- Dealing with sin
The point of this series is not to exhaustively explore every aspect of church life, but instead to hear from God’s Word about what church is all about. On Sunday Jeremy Lundgren will be launching the series as he preaches on Psalm 122.
As we turn the year on 2022 and look towards 2023, remember that as Christians we are always people of hope. The gospel shows us that no matter what our future holds, Jesus will be there with us, guiding each step of the way. Let us give thanks for all that He has done, and all that He has in store for us this year.
In Christ,
Pastor Eric
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Washed. Sanctified. Justified.