Hope Fellowship Blog

Finding Resurrection Power in a Broken World


It’s easy to question God when life goes sideways. You know this to be true if you’ve ever experienced the untimely death of someone you love. Amidst the crushing weight of grief and sorrow, you instinctively ask “Why now, Lord?” and wonder what He is doing. From your limited vantage point, you don’t understand, and life doesn’t seem to make sense. 

In such moments, we must remind ourselves that our Savior is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Therefore, all eternity is within His gaze and under His control. In other words, when life doesn’t make sense, we must run to Jesus and trust Him.

This Sunday, in John 11:1-46, one of Jesus’ beloved friends will die. The man’s sisters will question Jesus and wonder why He wasn’t there to stop it. Amidst the grief and sorrow, we will see our Lord’s compassion on full display, and we will see that He alone has the power over death. Come on Sunday, and be amazed by this One who is “The Resurrection and The Life.”

See you soon,

Pastor Eric


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