The Essential Nature of The Word and Prayer

If we want to function as a Christ-centered community, we need His Word dwelling within us and we need to pray. These God-given means of grace help us worship Him, and God uses them to grow, sustain, and protect us, and to transform us into His likeness. So I ask you today: are you regularly using these means of the Bible and prayer in your personal walk with Jesus?
Oftentimes it is easy to busy ourselves with lots of activity while neglecting what is most important. If we’re honest, sometimes we’re ok with not “eating” spiritually for many days in a row even though we would never be ok with neglecting to eat food over the same period. Remember that Jesus says we don’t live by bread alone but by every word that comes from God’s mouth (Matt. 4:4; quoting Deut. 8:3). God’s Word is food for our souls, and we cannot live without it.
However, God does not want the eating of a spiritual meal to be merely a duty, but instead, a delight. On Sunday Aaron Camp will be preaching from Psalm 119:97-104, which is all about finding joy in God’s Word. Come on Sunday and feast as we hear from the Word of life.
Looking ahead, the following week we’ll be embarking on a 7-week sermon series on prayer. As we enter this new year, join me in using these means that God has so graciously given to walk worthy of His calling.
Pastor Eric
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Washed. Sanctified. Justified.