Selecting Elders

When you picture a “church leader,” what comes to your mind? Are you filled with gratitude and gratefulness for those who have loved you, cared for your soul, and humbly taught you the Word of God? Or do you picture someone who has hurt you, disappointed you, or someone whose behavior has disillusioned you? Regretfully, many of us identify with the latter description more than the first, and we are carrying around painful baggage associated with church leaders.
That is precisely why we need to hear from God’s Word about what He requires from those who aspire to lead and care for His church. As you may know, Hope’s elders are in the process of identifying additional shepherds to lead the church. To accomplish this task, we are praying that God would raise up a few men within the congregation to serve in what the apostle Paul calls a “noble task” (1 Tim. 3:1).
This Sunday we will be continuing our series entitled “This is the Church,” and I will be preaching from 1 Timothy 3:1-7. This passage details the traits required for those tasked with overseeing the church. Would you take time today to read that passage, asking God to prepare your heart to receive His Word, while also asking Him to help us identify qualified spiritual shepherds here at Hope Fellowship? God is powerfully at work at Hope. Jesus is building His church. May we be a people that is attuned to what He is doing amongst us.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
In Christ,
Pastor Eric
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Washed. Sanctified. Justified.