The Gospel is Central

At Hope Fellowship, we seek to have the good news of Jesus inform everything we do. We express this dependence on Christ together each week in our Sunday morning worship service and in our mission groups that meet in homes throughout the community.



Join us in person or over live-stream on our Youtube Channel every Sunday morning at 10:00am.

Hope Fellowship Blog


Set Apart

God has designed His church to be set apart from the world. He has rescued us through Jesus Christ. He has made us holy. He has given us a holy calling, and the Holy Spirit to accomplish that calling. Even still, there are situations wh

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Servants and Stewards

Our culture loves celebrities. This is true even amongst Christians. Just look at the best attended Christian conferences. It is the most well-known speakers who draw the largest crowds. Paul employs a far different "marketing" strateg

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The Christian's Best Boast

We have an intuitive dislike for a boastful person, since it seems they think a little too highly of themselves. And since that's the case, intuitively we tend to shy away from directly bragging about ourselves. Instead, we find other l

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Upcoming Events

Sun Nov 03

Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Morning Service


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