The Gospel is Central

At Hope Fellowship, we seek to have the good news of Jesus inform everything we do. We express this dependence on Christ together each week in our Sunday morning worship service and in our mission groups that meet in homes throughout the community.



Join us in person or over live-stream on our Youtube Channel every Sunday morning at 10:00am.

Hope Fellowship Blog


The Bond That Holds Us Together

How do we live faithfully for Christ while living in a world that constantly lures us away? What is the remedy for divisions within the church? How should we approach singleness and marriage? How should we think about spiritual gifts?

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Fighting To Keep The Faith

Certain books in the Bible seem to garner lots of attention (Romans, etc.), while others are often overlooked due to their brevity. Jude is one that is easy to miss. Therefore, over the next two weeks, we will explore the treasures of t

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Luke 51-11

From Fishermen to Fishers of Men

This Sunday we'll be taking a break from our Ruth series as Doug O'Donnell comes to deliver the Word as our guest preacher. Doug is a longtime pastor, professor, and author who is currently the Executive Vice President of Bible Publishi

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Upcoming Events

Sun Sep 15

Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Morning Service


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