Hope Fellowship Blog

Faithfulness and the Heart of God


Why are golden retrievers so loved by their owners? They are faithful. Reliable. Consistent. In a world where breaking promises is the norm, faithfulness stands out, even when it comes from our pets. We see broken promises all around, as we observe:

  • Politicians not fulfilling their campaign platforms;
  • Professional athletes not honoring their contracts; and, more personally, in
  • Spouses not upholding their marriage covenant and vows.

The first two scenarios disappoint us, but the third one can shatter lives. Unfaithfulness. Divorce. Whether in your own life, in your extended family or with friends, I suspect that you have been impacted by these realities. The resulting emotions are often anger, confusion, disillusionment, heartache, and pain. 

On Sunday, we’ll be looking at a passage in Malachi 2:10-16 where God’s people were guilty of unfaithfulness and divorce. They were oblivious to how their sinful actions affected their personal relationship with God.

Join us as we hear about God’s faithfulness and His heart when His promises are broken.  I trust that we will be challenged, exhorted, comforted, and encouraged by His living and active Word.

In Christ,

Pastor Eric


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