Hope Fellowship Blog

An Introduction to Fall Sermon Series: Colossians


This Sunday we will dive into Paul’s letter to the Colossians - I’ll be preaching on the first fourteen verses of chapter one. What an amazing text! The letter to the Colossian church was penned by Paul from a prison (Col. 4:18), likely in Rome, while he was serving time on account of the gospel. During this prison stay, Paul probably also wrote the letters to the Ephesians and to Philemon. (As an interesting aside, this man named Philemon was a congregant in the Colossian church, as was Onesimus - read the New Testament letter of Philemon for more on that story). Anyway, Paul sent these three letters, sometimes part of what are called the “prison epistles,” via Tychicus, who was one of his partners in ministry.Paul had not met the Colossians. The church had been planted by Epaphras, who was a Colossian (Col. 1:7; 4:12). Epaphras likely heard Paul’s preaching in Ephesus (see Acts 19:8-10), got converted, and carried the good news to his hometown. The gospel spread, and the Colossian church was born.

The Colossians were known to be faithful (Col. 1:2) and they had a strong reputation of faith in Jesus and a deep love for others (1:4). Despite the health of this congregation, there were dangers on the horizon. Some false teaching/thinking/philosophy in Colossae was threatening to lead them astray. So, likely, Epaphras came to Paul in prison, told him about the situation, and Paul wrote this letter to remind them to look to the Lord Jesus Christ alone as they sought to grow in their young Christian faith, and not to be captivated by this seductive false teaching. 

This book has much to say to us today, and I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we hear from the Living Word. We will also take communion together, as we remember the incredible work of Jesus on our behalf.  In preparation, I would ask that you take 13.5 minutes to read the book of Colossians aloud (I timed it!) before Sunday, and ask God to prepare your heart to worship Him.

Together for Christ’s glory,  

Pastor Eric  


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