Hope Fellowship Blog

Colossians: The Preeminence of Christ


Last Sunday we launched the Colossians series and celebrated communion together. It was a meaningful service, and if you missed it, you can watch here. As we look ahead to this Sunday, in Colossians 1:15-23 we come to one of the most amazingly majestic passages about Jesus in all of Scripture. Remember that the believers in Colossae were being tempted to move beyond Jesus as they sought to grow in maturity. Today we face similar pressures. Many of us wonder: “What else besides time in the Word, prayer and fellowship do I need to do to grow in my walk with God?” or “Am I doing enough?” or “Is there a secret to growth that I haven’t yet found?” Within that context, in Col. 1:15-23 our Heavenly Father draws us back and reminds us that beholding Jesus needs to be at the center of our spiritual growth strategy. If you can, pause and take a moment to read that text right now.     

Friends, as you go into the weekend, remember that Jesus reigns. He is far greater than we could ever imagine. He is far more wonderful, beautiful, powerful and in control than you realize. We will spend all eternity marveling at our Lord and Savior. This means Sunday will be a taste of heaven as we behold Jesus together. Let us bow down and worship our matchless King.

See you on Sunday,

Pastor Eric


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