Hope Fellowship Blog

Who Is The God That Can Deliver You?


Have you ever wondered how you would respond if you were forced to make the choice between your life and your obedience to God? That’s the choice that three Jewish exiles, named Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, have to make in Daniel 3. It’s a well-known story about these three men choosing to face the fire of a furnace that was designed to smelt gold, rather than bow to a towering, golden statue. It’s a wild story of the excesses of Babylon, the human heart’s desire for glory, and the faithfulness of God.

The choices of these three men show us something powerful about the glory of God, and how God chooses to glorify himself through the obedience of his followers. I hope you’ll join us on Sunday as we witness one of the most dramatic rescues in all of Scripture. Take some time to read Daniel 3 before Sunday morning, and ask that the Lord will give us all receptive hearts to his Word. 

See you Sunday,



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