Unexpected Grace

“I have found favor in your eyes.”
What comes to mind for you when you see that phrase? It’s not a very common one today, but you can probably still get the gist of it. Finding favor in someone’s eyes means acceptance, relationship, perhaps even love.
It is an important phrase in the Old Testament that often speaks of unexpected grace. It shows up in many different places in Scripture, including our passage this coming Sunday. If you have been with us for our journey through the first chapter of Ruth, it has not been a story full of favor, perhaps with the exception of Ruth’s devotion to Naomi. But this Sunday, we’ll get to enjoy a depiction of truly unexpected grace as Ruth meets Boaz. And in that depiction of unexpected grace, the Lord will give us a glimpse of what we receive when we follow Jesus.
Take a few moments to read over Ruth 2:1-16, and ask the Lord to show you, now and on Sunday, what he wants you to see about his character and the favor he has shown to his children.
See you on Sunday!
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