Hope Fellowship Blog

The Celebration of Communion


On Sunday we will be celebrating communion together once again. You may be thinking, “why so soon- I thought we did this two weeks ago?,” and you would be correct! The recent pattern at Hope has been to participate in the Lord’s Supper once per month, with some exceptions. However, for a while now, even before I arrived at Hope, the elders have been considering an increase to the frequency of communion. We are excited to announce that we have decided to increase our time of communion to twice per month, on the 1st and 3rd Sundays. Some of the reasons for this decision are the following:

  • Increased Blessing. There is great blessing in celebrating communion. It is a time to reflect upon the Gospel, as we remember Jesus’ death on the cross- how his body was broken and his blood was spilled for us (1 Cor. 11:23-26). It is also a time to consider the body of Christ, and confess any sins we have committed against others (1 Cor. 11:27-29). During communion we also look forward with anticipation to the Lord’s return and the great marriage supper of the lamb (Rev. 19:9). Thus, by increasing the frequency of communion, we are increasing our exposure to the blessing the Lord gives through this ordinance. 
  • Whole Body Participation. Practically, those who serve in Hope Nursery or Hope Kids routinely miss one Sunday service per month. Celebrating the Lord’s Supper twice per month will ensure that every member of the body at Hope will be able to participate at least once per month.
  • It Seems Wise. How frequently a church should celebrate the Lord’s Supper is a wisdom call. Interestingly Jesus does not give a frequency requirement, but instead states, “Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me (1 Cor. 11:26).” We think it would be wise to participate in communion more often for the benefit of believers who attend Hope.

Twice per month communion will be the practice for this coming season at Hope Fellowship, through the end of the calendar year. At that time, the elders will re-evaluate and either decide to continue or change the frequency. I welcome your feedback as we continue to find a helpful rhythm of remembering Jesus together. 


For His Sake,

Pastor Eric


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