Servants and Stewards

Our culture loves celebrities. This is true even amongst Christians. Just look at the best attended Christian conferences. It is the most well-known speakers who draw the largest crowds.
Paul employs a far different “marketing” strategy for the cause of Christ. According to 1 Corinthians 4:1, his preferred job title is “servant” and “steward.” He refuses to fill his ministry resume with worldly measures of success. Instead, his resume states that he is considered insignificant and even the scum of the world. His ways of following Christ have led to him being despised, persecuted, reviled, and homeless. Then Paul says to the Corinthians (and to us), “become imitators of me.” In other words, for the sake of Christ, follow me to obscurity.
Oh, the mystery of God’s ways! Come on Sunday as we learn from 1 Corinthians 4 why we should treasure being characterized as “servants and stewards” above all else.
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