Hope Fellowship Blog

Archives for September 2024

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The Christian's Best Boast


We have an intuitive dislike for a boastful person, since it seems they think a little too highly of themselves. And since that's the case, intuitively we tend to shy away from directly bragging about ourselves. Instead, we find other less direct ways to boast. One of those ways is by identifying ourselves with someone else and then building that person up. This is, as Pau...

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Understanding God's Wisdom


I want you to consider the following statements, which should be undisputable: Ants marching on the sidewalk cannot comprehend the complex world of human beings. Dogs do not understand their owner's weekend plans. A piece of clay cannot fathom the potter's reasons for shaping it in a certain way. Let me add one more, perhaps slightly less obvious: Humans, when left...

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The Bond That Holds Us Together


How do we live faithfully for Christ while living in a world that constantly lures us away? What is the remedy for divisions within the church? How should we approach singleness and marriage? How should we think about spiritual gifts? These questions and more will be answered in our new sermon series in 1 Corinthians. This week we'll be exploring chapter 1, verses 1-17. ...

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Responding to the Word of the Cross


The world's system says you need to "win" to get ahead. It rewards promoting your strengths and hiding your weaknesses. In this system, those who have it all together rise to the top. The rich. The bright. The beautiful. The powerful. The talented. Not so in God's kingdom. His kingdom is upside down. To gain entry, you must admit your weakness. You must confess your failu...

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