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Archives for July 2024

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Unexpected Grace


"I have found favor in your eyes." What comes to mind for you when you see that phrase? It's not a very common one today, but you can probably still get the gist of it. Finding favor in someone's eyes means acceptance, relationship, perhaps even love. It is an important phrase in the Old Testament that often speaks of unexpected grace. It shows up in many different place...

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The Book of Ruth Continued

Beige and Brown Minimalist Organic Bake House Logo (1020 x 590 px)

Last week we began a new sermon series in the book of Ruth. It was a dark beginning to this book that follows a widowed Israelite, and her Moabite daughter-in-law as they leave the fields of Moab for Bethlehem in search of food and hope. We left Naomi walking back towards Bethlehem last week, having lost her husband, both her sons, and with no earthly prospect for any kind...

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Where Are You God?


When you think about the word sovereignty, what do you think about? I would expect that, for some of you, our recent Daniel series may cause you to think about God's hand directing the affairs of governments, the rise and fall of nations and kings, countries and presidents. God's sovereign hand is what guides all the governments of the world. But it's also God's sovereign ...

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The Time of the End


When was the last time you stopped to consider, "What is my purpose in life?" or, "What am I really living for?" Given the busyness of our lives, it is much easier to merely "get through the day" than to dwell on these essential questions. Often it takes a tragedy, or a changing season of life, or the death of a loved one to bring such questions to the forefront. That's b...

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