Hope Fellowship Blog

Archives for June 2024

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God Rules the Future


The future can be exciting and scary at the same time. Jesus warned us to not be anxious about tomorrow because tomorrow will be anxious for itself (Matt. 6:34). That means there is nothing to be gained by worrying about what is to come. Friends, on this warm summer morning, take comfort in the fact that God perfectly plans and knows the future. This is true for individua...

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The Unity of God's Word


In last week's message in Daniel 10 we witnessed the reality of the spiritual battle in prayer. This week, we'll step away from Daniel for one week to welcome a guest preacher from College Church, Pastor Ben Panner, who will be preaching on 1 Peter 5:6-11. There are many overlapping themes between Daniel 10 and 1 Peter 5. You'll remember that Daniel humbled himself before...

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The Spiritual Battle in Prayer


We must not deny reality. We are in the midst of a spiritual battle. Every minute of every day. This battle rages on, whether we recognize it or not. Sunday's preaching passage, Daniel chapter 10, gives a glimpse of the spiritual battle that ensues when we pray. We get a window into how prayer is, as Pastor John Piper puts it, "a war-time walkie-talkie." When we pray, we...

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The 70 Sevens


One of the many remarkable aspects of the second half of Daniel, and of biblical apocalyptic literature in general, is that it gives us a small picture of God's perspective of the world. It's almost like peeking through a peephole into another world. However, as strange as these images and events may seem, they are interpretations of what will happen here on earth. Sunday...

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